Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reply and search faster with the Gmail app for Android

빠른 회신, 빠른 통지!
새 Gmail 안드로이드 애플리케이션을 통해 작업시간을 절약 할 수 있습니다
수신 할 메세지를 정의하고 각 알림음을 설정 할 수 있는 기능과 필터링 기능
Gmail의 빠른 검색 및 더 나은 검색결과를 보실 수 있습니다.

With today's launch of the new Gmail Android app, you can save time on the actions you use most often : reply, archive, and search. If you're using Gmail on an Android 4.1+ device, the updated app lets you reply and archive messages right from notifications with one quick tap.

You can combine this with existing notification features like the ability to customize which messages you receive notifications for and set up different sounds for individual labels. So if you filter and label all the messages from your mom, you could set a ringtone to let you know you received a new mail from her and then quickly reply (because we know what can happen when you ignore your mother!).

The new app also introduces faster search and better search suggestions so you can find your messages quickly online and offline. You can get the latest version of Gmail on Google Play.

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