Thursday, May 23, 2013

Google Keep—Save what’s on your mind

우리는 매일 보고,듣고 또는 기억해야 할 것들을 생각합니다.

우리는 보통 중요한 메모나 낙서를 책상, 냉장고 또는 잡지에 붙이거나 넣어둡니다 그리고 정작 그것이 필요할 때 사라지는 경우가 있죠..
이 문제를 해결하기 위해 구글이 만들었습니다. 신속하고 안전하게 메모를 구글드라이브에 저장하고, 중요한 메모를 체크리스트 나 사진으로 남길수 있으며,  각 메모에 색상을 선택할 수도있고, 항상 동기화할 수 있도록 말이죠

Every day we all see, hear or think of things we need to remember. Usually we grab a pad of sticky-notes, scribble a reminder and put it on the desk, the fridge or the relevant page of a magazine. Unfortunately, if you’re like me you probably often discover that the desk, fridge or magazine wasn’t such a clever place to leave the note after’s rarely where you need it when you need it.

To solve this problem we’ve created Google Keep. With Keep you can quickly jot ideas down when you think of them and even include checklists and photos to keep track of what’s important to you. Your notes are safely stored in Google Drive and synced to all your devices so you can always have them at hand.

If it’s more convenient to speak than to type that’s fine—Keep transcribes voice memos for you automatically. There’s super-fast search to find what you’re looking for and when you’re finished with a note you can archive or delete it.



Changing priorities isn’t a problem: just open Keep on your Android phone or tablet (there’s a widget so you can have Keep front and center all the time) and drag your notes around to reflect what matters. You can choose the color for each note too.
Pro tip: for adding thoughts quickly without unlocking your device there's a lock screen widget (on devices running Android 4.2+).

Google Keep is available on Google Play for devices running Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich and above. You can access, edit and create new notes on the web at and in the coming weeks you'll be able to do the same directly from Google Drive.

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